My End of Year Review

It seems wrong to list my 2023 successes when it seems like the world is going to hell in a handcart, but for me, as I suspect it is for many people, art – making art, consuming art, reading about art – provides an oasis of calm, a space to reflect, an escape from the more troubling aspects of life about which we can often do very little. And I do think it’s healthy to celebrate all of our successes. Even if we only make a very small mark on the world, which is true for most of us, it’s still an important mark.

We all measure success in different ways, of course. I’ve not become wealthy or famous over the course of the year, but it’s never been my goal to be either. A bit more money always helps, of course, but several events during 2023 have provided a stark reminder that other things are much more important, not least of all our health, and our relationships with others.

With all that in mind, I am going to celebrate my small achievements. Apart from anything else, I think it’s a useful exercise, to balance out all those frustrating moments and the things that didn’t quite work out.

So, in no particular order, just as they occur to me:

My work was exhibited for the first time, at the Imago Gallery in Rhode Island. I also participated in the Kimpton Art Show . I only made two sales from these, but it’s another way of getting your work out there for people to see, even if they don’t buy anything!

I have two online interviews to share, for Wilder Collage and Unseen Sketchbooks. These were valuable exercises in talking about my work. The interviewers’ questions threw up some interesting stuff that I hadn’t even considered before.

I was also longlisted for a competition organised by the Visual Artists Association. It would have been nice to make the shortlist, but it took me a long time to screw up my courage to enter in the first place, so it’s important from that point of view.

I also created my first art zine, most copies of which have sold out. This was such an enjoyable project, and my next zine is due from the printers any day now. I definitely want to make more zines in the future.

The front cover of my second zine

My work also appeared in a guide to collage techniques by Madcollage and I participated in the collaborative art project 1SSUE for the second year running.

I also made 68 sales from my Etsy shop.

I’m happy and proud with what I’ve achieved this year. It’s taken a lot of hard work, but also a good deal of joy. I’ve tried new techniques, gone beyond my comfort zone, and foraged for ‘treasure’ on the beaches and harbours of the Scottish Highlands, Minehead and Ilfracombe.

Looking for seashore treasure in Ilfracombe

My achievements might not sound like much in the great scheme of things, but I’ve spent a great deal of time in my happy place, and I can’t really ask for much more than that!

3 responses to “My End of Year Review”

  1. I would say one of my successes this past year was finding you! I love your work, your writings and find our aesthetic is close in nature, yet different enough to spark inspiration and desire to grown and learn. Like you, I am not in it for the fame or the fortune, but a little recognition here and there certainly helps to encourage. Thank you for sharing your art and your thoughts in a personal way. Blessings for the coming year!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! It’s great when artists can inspire one another without losing the individuality that makes each artist’s work unique. All best wishes to you for 2024!


  2. Elyse Jokinen avatar
    Elyse Jokinen

    What a wonderful year — and you’re right, art can be a respite from the news of the world. Thank you for sharing! To another great year ahead!

    Elyse’ Jokinen | Wilder Collage | @wildercollage Wilder Collage : For the Love of Collage and Those Who Create It >>> | @elysejokinen “I often leave to go grocery shopping and end up at the bookstore”

    Liked by 1 person

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